On May 4, 1945 in the early morning hours I left home for good...

The politics of the day had a major impact on our lives.  The collapse of the Austrian empire after the First World War resulted in the creation of Yugoslavia, which included most of Slovenia.  Part of Slovenia, however, was ceded to the Italians and that is where I was born.  Under Italian fascist rule, one was always careful about what one said or did in fear of reprisals.  There were many people I personally knew were killed and many more were threatened and jailed. 

I was forced to flee my country at birth, lived in Austria as a refugee for a few years and later settled in Canada, where I have lived for close to sixty years.  My early life, marked by poverty and difficult circumstances, strengthened my resolve to work hard to overcome any barriers that would prevent me from success.  The memories of these experiences have stayed with me forever, and have shaped who I am and what I have achieved.   Joe Mihevc

I feel connected to the truths in the following poem:

I am sentenced to wander in foreign lands

It is difficult to tell you how wretched that is


BOX # 331